How Sugary Drinks Can Harm Your Family's Teeth

Posted on: 11 June 2019

You probably limit the sugary snacks your family eats to guard against cavities. However, you may not think about all the sugary drinks you and your kids consume on a regular basis. Here's a look at some sugary drinks your family may be drinking and what you can do to prevent cavities caused by excess sugar consumption. Drinks That Are Packed With Sugar Soft drinks are notoriously bad for teeth because they have a lot of sugar and they are acidic. [Read More]

Restorative Applications That Use Dental Implants

Posted on: 14 May 2019

Dental implants serve as synthetic dental roots. In fact, an implant is just as stable in the mouth as a natural tooth root. Once the implant has been placed in the bone of the jaw, the jawbone cells grow around the device. Since most implants are fashioned from titanium, they are biocompatible. The body does not reject them as foreign, allowing the jawbone to readily integrate with the devices. Implants can be used in many different types of dental restorations. [Read More]

The Three S's: Dental Risks Your Teen Could Face

Posted on: 16 April 2019

It's not the easiest thing to help your child to maintain their oral health, and as they grow older, it often becomes more difficult. Whether your child managed to get through their single digit years without a single cavity or not, they could be facing some potential hazards in their teenaged years that could put them at a higher risk of developing oral health problems. Here are three things to look out for. [Read More]

Preventative Dental Care: 4 Ways Children Can Floss

Posted on: 17 March 2019

When it comes to preventative dental care, it all begins in childhood. Brushing and flossing are two of the most important aspects of preventative dental care at home. If your child can learn how to brush and floss correctly, he or she will be on the right path to lasting oral health. If your child is having difficulty flossing, there are some alternatives that are available that may make it easier for your child to clean his or her teeth and gums. [Read More]