The 411 On Dental Sealants

Posted on: 18 February 2019

From brushing and flossing to eating a healthy diet and visiting your dentist for routine checkups, there are many tasks necessary for protecting the look and health of your teeth and gums. Unfortunately, these oral hygiene essentials may not be enough. Dental sealants can offer enormous benefits for your smile without much effort. This guide and your dentist will help you understand what dental sealants are, how they are applied, and the benefits they offer. [Read More]

Pediatric Pulpitis And How It Can Be Treated

Posted on: 18 January 2019

Dental decay begins when the acids produced by oral bacteria dissolve the minerals that comprise the tooth enamel. As the minerals are dissolved, the enamel weakens, and holes form in the tooth material. A child's teeth can decay just like an adult's can. As a result, many children suffer from cavities.  At first, a cavity may only affect the enamel layer of your child's tooth, but as the hole deepens, it can breach the dentin and pulp. [Read More]

Rinse Your Mouth Out With Saltwater As A Bacteria Control Measure

Posted on: 17 December 2018

When you visit your dentist, he or she will likely talk to you about the different methods of controlling the bacteria in your mouth. Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash are all common ways that you can keep the bacteria down. Being able to do so is critical for avoiding the growth of tartar, which can increase your risk of gingivitis and its multiple complications. Another method of bacteria control that your dentist or dental hygienist might advocate is rinsing your mouth out with saltwater — a practice that is easy for almost anyone to do. [Read More]

Three Reasons Why Your Dentist Will Insist You Brush When You Have Braces

Posted on: 17 November 2018

Your orthodontist put braces on your teeth and in your mouth. He/she is a dentist as well as an orthodontist. Orthodontists have to go to dental school, and then they spend another one to three years becoming orthodontists. However, even after you have braces, your regular dentist will still insist that you brush, just as your orthodontist will, too. Why is it so important to your dentist that you continue to brush your teeth when you have braces? [Read More]