The Gnawing Truth About Teeth Grinding

Posted on: 29 December 2016

If you think there is a chance that you may be grinding your teeth at night, then you'll want to make sure you get to the bottom of it. If you have a significant other who shares your bed, then you'll have a much easier time determining whether or not you are a teeth grinder. However, if you sleep alone then you'll have to put a little more work into figuring out if you have an issue that should be addressed. [Read More]

Children's Oral Health: How To Help Your Child Break The Thumb Sucking Habit

Posted on: 8 December 2016

For some children, sucking their thumb can be a major source of comfort. You may become concerned about this behavior, but it is a very natural occurrence for young kids. The behavior is not cause for concern, but the potential damage to the teeth and jaw can be. Because of this, you may want to consider taking steps to keep your child from engaging in thumb sucking as much as possible. [Read More]

Three Great Reasons Not To Smoke Hookah

Posted on: 22 November 2016

It's often touted as the "cool thing to do," and smoking hookah can even be enjoyable. But if you value your health, it really is a habit best avoided. Here are three reasons to just say "no thank you" when the opportunity to smoke hookah presents itself. It's terrible for your gums and teeth. Just like smoking cigarettes causes your teeth to yellow, so can smoking hookah. Both involve smoking tobacco, after all! [Read More]

Holiday Food And You: A Survival Guide

Posted on: 31 October 2016

If you have any sort of orthodontic work, such as regular braces, removable braces, a retainer, or another type of appliance, you know you need to be careful regarding what you eat and chew. You may have even gotten a list of foods to avoid for the duration of your treatment. Under normal circumstances, these restrictions can be tolerable, but during the holidays, they can be downright depressing. Not only do you have to skip eating many good holiday foods, but the amount of other foods you're eating can cause problems for you, too. [Read More]