Being Prepared To Get A Dental Crown

Posted on: 13 December 2022

When a tooth has suffered substantial damage, a dental crown might be needed to protect it from further deterioration or damage. For a patient that is needing a crown, there are several care options that can help them adjust to wearing the crown and helping it to avoid some common issues. Eat More Slowly While You Adjust To The Crown After you first have the dental crown applied to your tooth, you may want to make it a point to eat any foods far more slowly. [Read More]

Why Dental Checkups Are So Important For Everyone

Posted on: 15 November 2022

When your dentist tells you that you need to come in every 6 months for a checkup, your initial reaction may be to question why such frequent appointments are necessary. You do generally need to see a dentist more often than you see a primary care physician. However, there are good reasons for this. Here are the key reasons why these checkups are so important. Cavities Can Worsen Quickly If you do develop a cavity, then you want it to be noticed quickly. [Read More]

Call The Dentist Now: What Is A Dental Emergency?

Posted on: 13 October 2022

You can wait for some things when it comes to dental issues. However, the below issues call for help right away. Read on to find out what should have you phoning your dentist immediately. Abscessed Gum An abscess is a serious dental infection and requires that you take fast action. If the infection is left untreated, you are running the risk that it could spread to other areas of your body. [Read More]

3 Reasons For Using Sedation Dentistry

Posted on: 13 September 2022

Many people don't enjoy going to the dentist, which could be due to a variety of different reasons. That's where sedation dentistry can come in and help. Here are some reasons why people use sedation dentistry.  Pain Management Sedation dentistry is primarily used as a form of pain management. If you have to get a procedure done and it will potentially be painful, a dentist will give you local anesthesia in order to numb the part of the mouth that they are working on. [Read More]